There is a plant that is growing outside my porch which I've come to love. It's a weed, really. A greedy weed, with giant leaves that spread out wide to catch all the sunlight, and a stalk that grows tall to out-compete all the other plants.
I find myself sitting here, in a comfy chair in the corner of my porch, watching the trees dance in the wind, quite often lately. I'm reading, smoking a cigar, thinking, and enjoying the trees. But more often than not my eyes are drawn to this weed, and I look at it and think thoughts that make me happy.
The leaves are fringed in fine white hairs, making the plagnt look 3 dimensional and everything around it flat. It's a vivid, jewel green, peaceful and life affirming. The veins of the leaves are fractal mountains, and the edges are coastlines. It's beautiful, and deadly to every sun loving thing that grows in its shadow. I look at it, and I think about just how much I don't know. And I'm deeply comforted by that knowledge. I love the fact that there is still so much left for me to learn.


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