
Showing posts from May, 2011

When I cook

Especially when I cook for others, food becomes something almost spiritual in my mind. I'm so used to a sense of unselfish giving and community in the preparation of food that everything I make, even mac and cheese at 3am for drunk friends, becomes a gift meant to be shared. Nourishment for the body and the emotions. I can't imagine eating becoming mechanical. Even when I'm sick and all I want is chicken broth, I relish the silky texture and salty taste of the broth, and I take note of how it makes me feel better. I think that's one of the reasons farming/gardening is so appealing to me lately. I love the idea of nourishing the food that I'm going to use to nourish others. Putting into it what I'm hoping to gain out of it. The older I get, the more stock I put into the concept that nothing is unconnected. The thought I put into food, for myself and others, can be transmitted to its intended recipients. And I love that idea. I'm not just making you cookies, I...


My brain has been firing crazy sparks lately, thought tendrils that take off into these intricate little spirals of weirdness. I love it. I love that sense of organic growth, as my mind feeds on bits of new ideas, processes them, and regurgitates them out into a fertile soil that feeds my imagination. Happy brain is a weird brain. I keep forgetting that, getting caught up in the fascinating but ultimately shallow physical realities of day to day life. For instance, I've come up with a plot to a series of 3 romance novels. Ridiculous, searing indictments of how romance novels fuck with the brains of women everywhere, convincing them that lust is only ok with your one true love, that men are weak, that women are weak, that sex is only good with one man, that marriage is the be all end all, that unreasoning authority is hot (I know this makes me a hypocrite, cause I kinda like being told what to do in bed...), that love changes everything... lots of bullshit, and I could totally write...