New Blog...

I've started a new blog called On a Bus. I wanted to call it I'm on a Bus, Motherfuckers, but didn't think the reference would be universal enough to overlook the inflammatory nature of using Motherfuckers in a title.
Cause I'm obviously SO CONCERNED about not being inflammatory...

Anyways... this blog has become much too caught up in sex and internal meanderings. From reading it you'd think I had nothing on my mind but fucking and myself. NOT TRUE, I swear! But I tend to write most of my other stuff in different venues, and save the graphic stuff for this one.

I took public transportation in Portland OR for 8 years, and it's contributed to a whole hell of a lot of funny, weird, hilarious, erotic, creepy stories. I'll be compiling some old stories from other places, and creating new ones. I haven't taken the bus since I bought a car, and that's got to stop. I MISS the bus. Weird, I know. But I really, truly miss it. It forces you to connect with other humans, will you wont you, and it forces you to slow down and appreciate every moment. When I'm driving, entire tracks of time disappear in the blink of an eye. I'm so busy looking for the next break to swoop into, watching out for other assholes, just in general being on high alert. It takes away any sense of connection to the outside world and puts me very firmly inside my own head. Which is fun sometimes. And I gotta say, I do love driving like I'm in a video game. I'm a fucking rockstar race car driver in my little white Subaru. But, I'll save that for grocery trips and trips to the coast. Day to day, I want to be either on the bus or on a bike.

So, for less sex and more musing about how weird people are, that's the blog. I did say "less" sex. There's still plenty of sex in those stories. Sort of...


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