I feel the need to apologize

I get a lot of traffic from different blogs, most of them sexy. Like Green Silk Cord, with the ridiculously hot Ella, who had my blog up on her side roll.

And I always feel kind of bad that more of my content isn't interesting, and sexy, and titillating. Some of it was, just enough to tease. But for the most part, this is my journal. And journals are ALWAYS boring. Doesn't matter how good a writer you are, or what you write about. Because journals are inherently selfish. I'm not trying to entertain others, I'm trying to work out shit in my own head. Every single person in the world is trying to work out shit in their own head. It's not unique, and it's not designed to be.

So, sorry about that. But also, fuck off. It's my journal. If you want interesting, go read Salon. Or The Bloggess, or Novarella, or Ree Drummond, or any other number of amazing entertainers out there who are talented enough to couch their thoughts and reality in such a way as to make it interesting to the rest of the world.


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