Dive bars
I have been thinking about my proclivity for dive bars lately. I love a good redneck bar, a good old person bar, a good ethnic minority bar. Any place I can walk into and feel slightly uncomfortable at first but, with a little work, eventually blend completely into the background makes me incredibly happy. Places where people don't want to be noticed, or at least don't need to be noticed. Every now and then you get the occasional asshole who makes a fuss, but they tend to get shut down quickly by a complete lack of regard from the regulars. These are the best people watching spots. I enjoy spending time in bars that sell scotch you have to be wealthy by most of the worlds standards to buy. I enjoy watching well dressed people posture, and I enjoy good food and good drink. But those places don't call to me like dive bars. They don't make me happy, and they don't stimulate me. Watching people who don't give a shit if you're watching them because they're ...