It's my mother fuckin' blog, and I'll bore you if I want to...
BOOOOORE you if I want to... you would blog too if it happened to you...
buzzing around my head
me: that sounds painful...
Jake: you sure are typing slowly
me: I am? AM NOT!
Jake: lol
it said you been typing that sentence for like 3 mins
me: Woah. That's creepy...
Jake: yep
me: Google is crazy today.
Stupid google
Jake: I agree
stewpid pac man anniversary
me: Aw. But it's so cute!
Jake: LOL
it is
How you feelng?
me: LOL. I'm good.
I've got a headache, though
Don't know where the fuck it came from
Jake: OH noz
me: Yeah. LOL
Jake: That sucks
me: I'm officially starting and ending every conversation with you with LOL
In protest.
Jake: of my moms chatting skills?
me: No, of YOUR chatting skills, my friend.
Jake: :(
me: That's right. It'll be like saying LIKE after someone who says like too often says like once too often...
or something...
Jake: Like W-E. OMG U b so meanz an shit
Hear that?
That's the sound of Grammar Nazis coming to take you to bad spelling and concentration camp
Jake: ::really is lol::
me: Heh. Me to.
Jake: ADHD is my get out of concentration camp free card
me: Actually, I'm pretty sure that's your "get out of concentration camp in an urn" card
Jake: haha you got infected
me: This is going to turn into one of those meta-conversations where we're making fun of hipsters but start sounding so much like hipsters that nerds start making fun of us again, isn't it?
Jake: You can't burn the flame Sarah
me: Yeah, well... you can't... you can't play the playa, Jacob
Jake: cause theplaya done been played
like all damn day
me: careful, your playa's gonna get raw
Jake: hipstuhz drool
mmmm I can't believe it's not cocoa butter
keeps a playa slick
me: HEY!!!
me: ::suspicious glare::
If I come home and there's a conical shape hole in that bucket o' coconut cream...
Jake: what about a crk screw shaped hole?
me: ...
I still won't be amused
maybe terrified
Jake: well its such a small container it's hard to fit it straight in
me: Ha! Paaaaleaaaassseee...
You wish.
Jake: W-e don't even be playin llike you don know no betteh
me: Pfft.
Jake: So whats up for laterz
me: I know betta, all right
I don't know. Rhianon asked if I wanted to go get beer
Jake: you mean beta
me: No no!! I meant ALPHA, BITCH!
Jake: ahhhh
on hands and knees
but in the air like I jus don care
me: I don't know. I kinda wanted to go dancing. But I just started my period, and I've got a headache. That sounds like a recipe for dance floor murder if ever there was one
Jake: you said no drinky tonight
hmmm maybe
could be good though
where you wanna dance?
me: I totally lied
No no. I don't wanna dance now
It's too dangerous!!!
Jake: Nuh uh.
Not for you
just all teh dabs
me: LOL
I don't want to murder
Jake: :D
me: Soooo... maybe beer? Maybe dancing?
What are you feeling like?
Jake: ok I get ready
and some booty
me: Well then, you'd best get crackin! Booty ain't gonna find itself, my friend.
Jake: yup
you better watch out Sareph
me: No, playa. YOU betta watch out.
Jake: nope, cause you're in the danger zone
Jake: muahahahaha
me: All right. I'm a gonna go work an' shit.
Jake: ok
see you soon
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